First Responder and physician owned

Our mission is to provide clean, professional on demand IV services when you need it, and where you need it. Whether that’s at home, the office or jet lag recovery, we get you hydrated and replenished so you can feel your best.





Vitamin C, B Complex, B12, Zinc, and Magnesium all in 1 liter of electrolyte infused fluids to give your body what it needs to feel its best.


1 liter of electrolytes as well as medications for nausea, pain and B Vitamins to reclaim your day.


A blast of Vitamin C and Zinc all in 1 Liter of electrolyte infused fluids to give your body everything it needs to shake that cold or flu. Options to add medications for nausea or pain.


Migraines can strike anytime and can leave you stuck inside. Our migraine buster contains 1 liter of electrolyte infused fluids, Zinc and medications for pain. Options to add nausea medications or Benadryl to aid in sleep.


A liter of fluid supercharged with a megadose of vitamin c and master antioxidant Glutathione to promote tissue healing, and removal of free radicals.


NAD+ a critically important co enzyme that is required for hundreds of metabolic processes in the body. NAD+ is used extensively for anti aging and athletic performance. Can help symptoms such a brain fog, chronic fatigue, and give a renewed sense of productivity.


Pain medication and magnesium combined to curve cramping and bloating, all in a hydrating liter of fluid.



A once a week injection that melts fat and supports healthy levels of blood sugar.


B12- B12 is responsible for converting food to energy, stabilizing energy levels, and dozens of other processes.


Lipotropic B- a combination of B vitamins and minerals to increase energy and support fat loss.


Lipotropic C- a combination of B vitamins and minerals with the addition of carnitine to help use fat as fuel for our bodies.

Discount Services When you book large groups

IV Hydration Membership

Experience Peak Performance with Our IV Hydration Membership

Elevate your wellness journey with our exclusive IV Hydration Membership, designed to unlock a world of vitality and rejuvenation. Say goodbye to sluggish days and hello to boundless energy as you embrace the transformative power of intravenous hydration.

As a member, you’ll gain unparalleled access to a range of benefits tailored to optimize your well-being. Whether you’re seeking rapid recovery after an intense workout, combating the effects of a long day or night, or simply aiming to revitalize your body and mind, our membership ensures you’ll always be at your best.

With regular IV hydration sessions, you’ll experience enhanced hydration levels, improved nutrient absorption, and a boost to your immune system, all contributing to your overall vitality and resilience. Our expert team of healthcare professionals will customize each infusion to address your specific needs, ensuring maximum effectiveness and comfort.

But the perks don’t stop there. We offer two packages to meet your personal needs. Take a look and fill out our form and a member of our team will reach out to further discuss any questions and get you scheduled!

Join our IV Hydration Membership today and discover a new level of wellness, vitality, and performance. Invest in yourself, because when you feel your best, you can conquer anything that comes your way.

Gold Membership Includes:

– 1 Standard IV Infusion Bag per month
– Waived Concierge fee for your one monthly service (not applicable on additional services)
– Priority Booking (this does not guarantee availability).

Platinum Membership Includes:

– 1 Standard or Premium Infusion per Month.
– All Gold Membership Benefits (Waived Concierge fee for your one monthly service (not applicable on additional serrvices), Priority Booking (this does not guarantee availability)).
– 10% off any additional IV services that month (not applicable on parties other than the membership holder).
– 10% off weigihtloss (not applicable on any parties other than the membership holder).
The client’s membership and membership benefits can be used (on their services only) if they book a party. It will count their infusion as their membership credit.

Not Included:
– Both memberships do not include any additional add-ons (ie: zofran, toradol, glutathione, vitamin c, B12 or Lipo B injections). Those come at cost.

– Both membership do not include tip to the IV therapist. Please remember that they are performing a high skill service with the utmost customer service. Please remember to tip the IV Therapists.



Standard Bags Include:

– Her Bag/PMS Bag
– Migraine Buster
– Illness Recovery
– Hangover Cure
– Pregnancy Bag
– Wellness Bag

Premium Bags Include:

– Performance Enhancer Bag with amino acids to help boost for an event or to help recover. (This has to be scheduled in advance, no day of)
– Antioxidant Bag
– Beauty Bag includes Biotin and Taurine for skin and hair health and shine. (This too has to be scheduled in advance, not day of)


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